
Auto Dealers Professional Pack


Auto Shocker was specifically developed for removing odors in vehicles and is safe for any type of car interior with an odor problem. Our product has been tried and true for every type of business from dealerships to auto spas to retoration shops. Contains 10 single-use Auto Shockers at a $60.00 discount. For in-store display insert, call to customize your order!


We use exclusive ClO2-DMG Technology™ to provide maximum strength odor elimination, deodorizing any car interior up to 300 cubic ft. With our patented quick release system, Auto Shocker will completely eliminate odors in as little as 4 hours and a maximum of 12 hours depending on odor type. This product safe for all automotive interior types.


Our revolutionary Auto Shocker Quick Release system is a single-use packet that delivers the most effective chemical deodorizer (Chlorine Dioxide) to safely neutralize and eliminate even the worst smells in your vehicle. ClO2 vapors will permeate all odor holding surfaces such as the headliner, visors, seat cushions, glove compartment, and carpet. It will even clear out your HV/AC unit of stale, musty mildew odors. This product is good for any vehicle interior, including Compact, Full Size, or SUV.

Make sure to closely follow instructions (aslo included with the system) for best results:



You must use Auto Shocker in the shade or out of sunlight. ClO2 degrades very quickly in sunlight — one reason why it is so environmentally friendly.


Make sure that your vehicle is clean, removing all dirt, debris and other trash. Also remember to remove floor mats, put your visor at half-mast, open console and glove compartment, etc. It’s very important that all surfaces in the vehicle are unobstructed, so that the ClO2 is able to absorb and elimate odors where they live.


Follow the directions on the packet, and ensure at all times that both people and pets stay away from exposure to the activated product, which takes the form of gas. It is non-toxic and very safe when used as directed, but it is an irritant.


After using and disposing of the system according to the directions, you’ll need to ventilate your vehicle. Open windows and doors to let the car air out. There will be a slight chlorine scent that will fade quickly depending on how much sunlight and ventilation your car is exposed to.